We Maintain Healthy, Decay-free Smiles with Fluoride Treatments
Ever wonder why dentists recommend fluoride treatments during check-ups or emphasize fluoride toothpaste when brushing? Fluoride is vital in strengthening the enamel, making it resistant to decay. Olmos Park Dental believes preventive dentistry is the best and most cost-effective way to keep your smile issue-free. That’s why Dr. Brandi Lindsey and her team insist on fluoride treatments in San Antonio, Texas, to prevent tooth decay.
What is fluoride, and how does it protect your teeth?
Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral found in certain foods and water supplies. It’s also found in toothpaste and mouth rinses. Fluoride interacts with the minerals in the enamel to form a stronger bond that’s more resistant to acid attacks. This process of replenishing the enamel with eroded nutrients is called remineralization and helps reverse the early stages of decay.
Fluoride treatments like those offered in our office provide an added dose of this mineral to prevent decay. They are quick and noninvasive and often applied to the surface of teeth as varnish, foam, or gel. When your teeth have sufficient fluoride levels, the enamel strengthens from the inside out.
What can I expect from fluoride treatments?
The dentist applies fluoride topically, a procedure that takes minutes. After examining your teeth, the dental hygienist will professionally clean your teeth to remove plaque, dental calculus, and other unhealthy deposits.
Next, the dentist will dry your teeth and use a small brush to paint the fluoride varnish on the surfaces of your teeth. Sometimes, the dentist may apply fluoride gel or foam in a soft mouth tray fitted over your teeth. The tray stays in place for a few minutes, allowing fluoride to coat the teeth effectively. The process is quick and effective whether applied as foam, gel, or varnish.
Once applied, the fluoride dries immediately upon contact with saliva. Your dentist will advise you to avoid eating or drinking for about 30 minutes to allow your enamel to absorb the fluoride properly. Additionally, refrain from flossing and brushing your teeth for at least six hours to prevent disrupting the fluoride’s protective benefits on the enamel.
Who is a candidate for fluoride treatment?
Fluoride treatments are common in children since they are vulnerable to cavities as their teeth develop. Frequent fluoride treatments lay a solid foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth. Children aren’t the only candidates for fluoride treatments. Anyone with a history of cavities, including adults, can consider fluoride treatments for a healthy, decay-free smile.
What are the benefits of fluoride treatments?
Here are reasons you should incorporate fluoride treatments in your oral hygiene regimen.
- It’s effective in preventing decay
- The treatment is quick and painless
- Fluoride has no side effects
- Fluoride helps patients with tooth sensitivity
- Reverses early tooth decay
- It’s a cost-effective way of maintaining a healthy, decay-free smile
- It benefits patients of all ages
How often should fluoride be applied?
We recommend fluoride treatments every six months alongside your routine dental cleanings. However, patients at risk of decay may consider fluoride treatments 3-4 times annually. We understand excessive fluoride can cause fluorosis and skeletal problems. We always apply fluoride within the safe limit to avoid health complications.
Do you need fluoride treatments?
Fluoride treatments in San Antonio, TX, prevent cavities and maintain a healthy smile. If you or your loved one are interested in fluoride treatments, call (210) 767-3525 to schedule an appointment with Olmos Park Dental.